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The latest News


June 2018

I have been very slack updating our news.   A lot has happened in the 5 years.  Briefly:

Our three oldest horses - Cranston Park Khamissa (25), Masafi Mimosa (33) and her son, our stallion Allanooka Omar (27) have both gone over the rainbow bridge;


  Omar_full.jpg (67873 bytes)
Allanooka Alimah did have her foal by Afrikah ERA but unfortunately he was CA affected and was PTS at 13 days;

Following the loss of Alimah's foal, we campaigned hard and managed to have change introduced to the AHSA
regarding compulsory testing of stallions and mares for the known genetic conditions CA, SCID and LFS;

Safaga FL was sold and went to a new home in WA;

We were given a new mare, Clarendon Silver Star (Akora Shirar /Clarendon Razelle),  by a friend who was moving overseas.

We have a new stallion, Aton ERA (Shumani ERA / River Oak Heart's on Fire) who we got as a weanling and is a joy to have. 
He has been lightly shown at only "A" or "AA" or "AAA" class shows going Champion at his first outing. 
He was awarded Supreme Champion Arabian shown by a non pro at the National Capital Horse Show,
and as a 3yo went Top 10 Led Purebred Arabian NPTH - All genders 
from 21 entries of all ages at the 2017 Australian Arabian National Championships.

We bought a new mare, Lea-Ma Park Chanel (Echos of Marwan / Lea-Ma Park Saaria)

We had one foal this last season, a lovely filly, Allanooka Aniqa, by Aton ERA out of Clarendon Silver Star ;

(photo taken at 7 months of age)

Health wise - I have had both hips and a knee replacement. 
Rod has had a shoulder replacement and a nerve stimulator implant in the same shoulder to help control his pain.

February 2013

Well unfortunately Shakara has aborted her foal at 135 days so we are now only expecting one foal.

January 2013

We are delighted to announce that we have two mares confirmed in foal for next season.

Shakara (SK Shakla Khan (imp)/ Shakeelah) is in foal to our boy Allanooka Omar and is due in mid September.

Allanooka Alimah (MB Mayal (imp/exp) / Cranston Park Khamissa) is in foal to Afrikah ERA, due early November.

We took Safaga FL (imp) to her first ever show and she won the trot, won her led and was awarded Champion Pure bred Arabian mare.
She is now an "A" Class winner and Champion despite all her efforts to get out of going to a show. 
It has been such a battle for us to get Safaga to a show. When we first imported her we entered her for the yearling filly class at the Aussies,
but just after the entries were in, she tangled herself up in a fence and gave herself a heap of nasty cuts on her legs.
This year we decided that the marks had settled enough for us to try again with her, so we entered her for the Vic Classic.
Eight days before the Classic, she once again cut her leg and cut and bumped her head so we had to scratch.
After having her in it just seemed a shame not to take her somewhere, so as the cuts and scrapes had once again settled,
we decided to take her to the "A" Class Catani Ag show. We didn't tell her or anyone, because we didn't want her to hear and do something else to herself.
Thankfully, this time we made it. Despite missing her first class, we were extremely happy with how she went,
and it was nice to actually have some competition. It would have been pretty sad after all that to get there and have no one else in the class.

A very happy looking Mustang Lodge SEA Rythym (Chestnut pinto) enjoying a day at the beach. 
First time anyone has sat on his back!!!!  See his story below in December news.

(Photos by Vicki's photos)

December 2012

Wonderful news. Mustang Lodge SEA Rythym, has arrived at his new home in WA.  He has settled in very well and is much loved already.
Rythym's story

Rythym was born at our property in Gisborne in October 2002 while we had his dam, Mustang Lodge Georgia on lease on a foal for foal basis to be bred to our stallion Allanooka Omar.
He was born in the alternate year and was not our foal, so when it was time for weaning he was taken back to his breeder's property and was very quickly sold.

Unfortunately, the person who bought him neglected him terribly (along with many other horses, many of whom starved to death or had to be PTS).
For a long time it was thought that Rythym had met the same fate as so many of the others, but one day he was found at another one of his new owner's properties. 
He was found tied up and in an emaciated state.  He was relocated to someone else who nursed him back to health.
As he is a stallion and had very little handling, not much was done with him by his carer and after some years she decided that
she was not able to keep him any longer so asked us if we would like him, or know of anyone who might. 
As we still have his sire we did not really want another stallion but we did want to find him a great forever home, so we approached Michelle Gorringe of Cherokee Lodge stud
and asked her if she may be interested.  Happily, she was very keen to have him, so arrangements were made for him to go on the long trip to her place in W.A.

March 2012

Allanooka Shaiklan keeping up the good work being awarded Supreme Arabian at the ASSP All Stars show.

February 2012

Congratulations to Priya and George Spencer on the purchase of Halima's Padrons Melody.  We are sure she will make a wonderful addition to their stud.

January 2012

Wonderful to hear that Allanooka Shaiklan was awarded Reserve Champion stallion at the "AA" Class Vic. Classic.

January 2011

Congratulations to Naomi And Shane from Nazikah Park Arabians on the win of Allanooka Rise 'N' Shain at the Vic Classic.


October 2010

We have a new addition to our band of beautiful Arabians.
We have been lucky enough to purchase a lovely 2yo liver chestnut filly from Peter Hall as part of his dispersal of Fairview Arabians.
Our new girl is Fairview Tia Maria (Ibn Amir El Shaklan / Nalla Shaklas Karma).


Our big boy - Allanooka Born 'T' Shain has now been sold to a lovely home here in Victoria.
His new owners plan have already started breaking him in so he can commence his performance career.
We wish them all the best with him, and look forward to hearing all about his exploits.
Below is a photo of him with his new owner taken just 8 days after he left here.

First Ride - Photo by Simon Harris

Congratulations to Naomi and Shane of Nazikah Park Arabians on their results with Allanooka Rise 'N' Shain at his first show for them,
the "A" Class Goulburn Valley Show.  He competed in a few events and was not out of the placings in any of them.
His best results were 1st place Australian Bred Gelding 4yrs and over, and
Reserve Champion Senior Pure Bred Gelding

Naomi and "Rise" - Photo by Shane Schofield

September 2010

We have had a pretty quiet time here.  Rod has had ANOTHER operation on his left shoulder as it was very unstable.
It has now had more pins and cord put in it to try to hold it together, but he still has just as much pain as before.  His right shoulder is also giving him a lot of problems.

Our beautiful filly, Allanooka Alimah unfortunately gave herself a very nasty cut to the back leg exposing about 2-3 inches of bone. 
We have been treating it for the past 3 months and expect to continue doing that for another 3 months. 
The wound is healing well, and despite severing a tendon, she looks like she will heal without much scarring and no lameness.

Our remaining colt - Allanooka Born 'T' Shain is furnishing into a truly stunning boy.  16 hands of elegance and power combined.
Until he is sold, we have decided to stand him at stud to a select few mares if anyone is interested.  

January 2010

We are happy to say we started the new year off in a great way. 
We took Allanooka Alimah to the Vic. Classic for her first show and were delighted with her
winning her 3yo filly class under the American judge Ted Carson.

December 2009

Congratulations to Shane Schofield and Naomi Sylvia of Nazikah Park Arabians on the Christmas Day purchase of our
stunning 3yo gelding Allanooka Rise 'N' Shain (Jayay Just Do It / Allanooka Ray of Sunshain). 
We are very happy to see him going to them as we know he will have a wonderful home.
Shane fell in love with him when they came to view Allanooka Shaiklan before purchasing him. 
It is great that they now have the facilities at their new property and are
able to add another of our boys to their collection of beautiful horses


November 2009

 We finally made it to our first show since our move.  Our first show in about 2 years actually.
After a very quick preparation we took along our 2yo colt, Allanooka Born 'T' Shain.
He was entered in 3 classes and the following are the results:

1st - Best Purebred male head
1st - Amateur Owner Led Purebred Colt 3 years and under
1st - Purebred Led Colt 2 & 3 years
Reserve Champion Amateur Owner Junior Led Purebred
CHAMPION - Led Junior Colt  

We are very happy and now that he is an "A" Class Champion and qualified for the Australian Championships
we hope that someone will now appreciate his quality and snap him up at his bargain price.

October 2009

Very exciting time for us.  We have just imported a Straight Egyptian yearling filly from New Zealand.
Safaga FL (imp NZ) is our first Straight Egyptian, and we would like to thank Lee West of Fairway Lodge
firstly for breeding such a lovely filly, and secondly for allowing us to acquire her.
Safaga FL is by Joda Aloof (Exp NZ) out of the Akid Geshan (Imp/Exp USA ) daughter Geshanna (Exp NZ).
For photos and more details of Safaga FL - see her page.

We would also like to offer a huge congratulations to Naomi Sylvia and Shane Schofield of Nazikah Park Arabians who are now
the proud owners of 2yo purebred colt Allanooka Shaiklan (Sanadik Ibn Estopa (imp USA) / Cranston Park Khamissa).
They plan to show him and use him as their foundation sire at their new stud.
We wish them all the best with him, and look forward to seeing him, and later on his progeny out and about.

September 2009

A long time since our last news.  Twelve months since our move and we are slowly progressing setting up our new property. 
We have done a lot of fencing and now are able to rotate horses around and rest paddocks.
Automatic waterers have been put in all paddocks with the water coming from our bore.  
We have sewn about 8 acres with an equine pasture mix including some lucerne,
which we will allow the horses to graze selectively for short periods.
We have put up a barn and so far it has been fitted out with two stables, a feed room and a wash bay with hot water.
The new round yard is nearly completed and will be a big bonus.

Rod has had another shoulder op and will be having a further one in late October.  All these ops do is help him keep some movement in his shoulders.
He is definitely planning on getting to some shows this season.  Although we entered for a couple last year, it was just not meant to be.

September 2008

Well - many things have happened since our last news.  The major thing is that we have relocated.
At the end of August, after selling our Gisborne property, we bought a new place, packed up our house, horses, dogs and cats, and moved to Seaspray in Gippsland, Victoria.
This new property gives us a lot more land and will enable us to be a bit more self sufficient with our horse feed.
We are very close to the beautiful 90 mile beach, so we can spend a few hours now and then relaxing on the beach, or fishing for our supper (?????).
Rod has had a further two ops on his shoulder (9 now) with still no improvement.  He still intends to get some of our
horses out to a few shows, and with any luck we will have one or two of the boys ready for the Aust. Champs next year in Victoria.

Because of our planned move, we did not get any of our mares in foal for this season, and will not breed any this year either.
Next season when we are a bit more set up, we hope to again breed one or two foals.

December 2007

Our foaling season is now over with both our mares producing outstanding colts. 
Both these foals are by Australian Champion -
Sanadik Ibn Estopa (imp USA) (Sanadik El Shaklan / Bint Estopa)

Allanooka Shaiklan
colt out of Cranston Park Khamissa
           (Simeon Shai / Naazika)

Allanooka Born 'T'  Shain
colt out of Allanooka Ray of Sunshain
(Allanooka Omar / Cranston Park Khamissa)

Rod underwent further shoulder surgery (Operation #8) in November but unfortunately
it looks like this has not been any more successful than the previous operations.
We also lost one of our beautiful old mares - Bluegrass Excitation +m

May 2007

Now that neither of us have to commute to town every day, we have decided to move further out into the country
so have placed our property on the market.  We are hoping to relocate to the Gippsland area and are looking for
a property with more acres so we can be more self sufficient. 
February 2007

Both Cranston Park Khamissa (Simeon Shai / Naazika ) and
Allanooka Ray of Sunshain (Cranston Park Khamissa / Allanooka Omar)
have been confirmed in foal to the 2000 Australian Champion colt:
Sanadik Ibn Estopa (imp USA) (Sanadik El Shaklan / Bint Estopa) 

Congratulations to Dannielle Hill on her successful season with Allanooka Shadene
her Part Bred Pinto gelding by Allanooka Omar.  He has had a great season with numerous
wins and championships and culminating with a tremendous day at the
SA ARABS - "A" Class show - The Main Event, where he was awarded:
Most Classic Head Part Bred Arab,
Champion Dual Registered, and
Champion Led Part Arab Gelding

November 2006

Unfortunately one of Rod's shoulders has packed up again and he will be going into hospital
in early December for an A/C reconstruction. This will be shoulder operation #7 !!! 
We expect that it will be at least 6 months of rehabilitation
before he can even think of doing anything with the horses again.
This means that we will not be able to get our new fillies out to the shows as we had intended.

October 2006

Our two expectant mares have done us proud and delivered two stunning foals for us.

Allanooka Ray of Sunshain had a striking chestnut colt by Jayay Just Do It,
just when the ball was being bounced for the AFL Grand Final.
He is a very upstanding colt with a ripper head. He has white markings and has already gone flaxen.

Cranston Park Khamissa had an exquisite grey FILLY by MB Mayal.
This filly has a big dish and eye and lovely short muzzle.  She has a star and a snip and no other white.

(Go to Foals page for more details of both foals)

August 2006

To add to our show team and our future brood mare collection we have now purchased
Shakara, a stunning 3yo filly by International Champion sire
S.K. Shakla Khan (imp USA) out of Shakeelah.

(Go to Shakara page).


 In February 2006, we purchased
Halimas Padrons Melody
She is a 2005 filly foal who apart from having great conformation and being a great mover,
has the most wonderful temperament and plenty of attitude. 

Her sire Sadiks Psyche is by USA National Reserve Champion Halter stallion (at age 3) -  Padrons Psyche. 

The fillies dam is Enchanted Melody, who is by the Australian and
US National Champion stallion - Fairview Klassique (exp USA).  

(Go to Halimas Padrons Melody page).

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