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Lead-in Halters & Bridles

Allanooka have been making halters for over 20 years. 
Many of Australia's Champion Arabians have worn them to success at the highest level.

All lead-in halters/bridles are made to order in various styles. 
They are made from the finest quality materials and all come ready to use
with conchos, chains and lead reins.

Halters and bridles are available in all sizes, for all breeds (including miniatures),
and come in cable, brass, leather or biothane. 

If there is a style you like that is not pictured here, please contact us and
we will attempt to make one to match your requirements.

Prices start from $120 including GST.

Allanooka Arabians Range

Emanuel beaded.jpg (55972 bytes)

Halter 1

Cable halter with some beading
on the cheek.
Plain padded noseband.



Cable bridle.jpg (37212 bytes) Bridle 1

Cable bridle with
one plain ferrule
on cheek.




Halter 2

Cable halter with two single filigree ferrules on cheek and one on each side of nose.

Bridle 2

Cable bridle with
mix of plain and filigree
ferrules on cheek.


Halter version of Bridle 2 (in black)


  Jason 1.jpg (72585 bytes)  

Halter 3

Cable halter with
ascending design or ferrules
on cheek and nose.


ellusion.jpg (59512 bytes) Bridle 3

Flat brass.

sdoll.jpg (76508 bytes)


Halter 4

Fine round brass.




Flat_brass_halter.jpg (43000 bytes)

Halter 5

Flat brass.



biothane.jpg (59154 bytes) Halter 6

Brown biothane halter 

Tamara.jpg (52876 bytes) Halter 7

Foal halter in black biothane
with coloured noseband.


Halter 8

Plain cheeks with fully filigreed nose band


Halter 9

Fully ferruled cheeks and noseband


Halter 10

Cable halter with alternating
filligree ferrules and coloured rondels
on cheek



For all enquiries - see contact details on Home Page.

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