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For Sale


Safaga FL (imp NZ)

Born 2/11/08

Straight Egyptian mare of the Seglawi Jedran strain.

Her sire Joda Aloof (exp NZ) is a son of Joda Aly Dahr who had an outstanding show record in front of numerous international Judges.
His major achievements were: 2005 Australian Champion Stallion, Supreme Champion at SEAHAC, Vic. Classic, Qld Challenge, Trophy Show QLD,
and Champion at NSW National Stud Show and East Coast.
Geshanna (exp NZ/imp AU) is the dam of Safaga FL. She was bred by Westbank Arabians and is by the World renowned stallion
Akid Geshan (imp/exp USA) who is a multi national and international champion and the only Nabiel son to come to Australia.

Safaga has only been shown once for first led Purebred mare 3yo and over, and Champion mare at "A" Class level.  She was also first in the Classic Trot

Safaga is being wasted here as we are slowly winding down.  This is a great opportunity for someone to get a lovely imported straight Egyptian mare at a very reasonable price.


Pedigree of Safaga FL
  Joda Aloof (exp NZ) Joda Aly Dahr The Fugative (USA) Thee Desperado
AK Aleka
HMT Alidiah (USA) Alidaar
Princess Fariha
AR Bint Ghazala (imp USA) Alidaar Shaik Al Badi
Bint Magidaa
AK Ghazala Ibn Moniet El Nefous
Bint Bint Moniet
  Geshanna (exp NZ) Akid Geshan (Imp/exp USA) Nabiel Sakr
Akid Hanalei AK Elzahra Moniet
Akid Serra Moniet
Shahlana Moniet Sir Ibn Moniet (imp USA) Ibn Moniet El Nefous
Bint Cleopatra
Arabian Park Bint Faraz Arabian Prk Faraz (USA)
Arabian Park Bint Bint Morafic (iid USA)


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